Haven’t you heard? YOU are your most powerful asset.

Time to redefine success, embrace ambition, and grow the business + life your heart beats for

When you think about how to define success, what comes to mind for you? Beyond the conventional definition that conjures up images of hustling your tail off for 8+ hours a day to make a decent living, climb the property ladder, go on occasional nice holidays, and then only really enjoy the “fruits of your labour” when you reach fossil-age.

If you didn’t know it yet, this does not have to be your definition of success.

Maybe it’s to work under 30 hours a week doing work your heart beats like a bass drum for, so you not only get to spend more precious time with your family now, you also get to THRIVE when you’re spending time with your laptop.
Maybe it’s making a silver-topped mountain of money — enough to provide for your own delightful life and redistribute to improve the lives of hundreds, even thousands of others.
Maybe it’s to grow an industry-leading business that creates a massive ripple of change in the world, far beyond what you could ever have imagined when you came up with the idea in your bedroom. (Were you in your pyjamas, too? Hey, you don’t need a power suit to be a powerhouse!)
Maybe it’s all of the above… In which case, you’re definitely hanging out on the right virtual street corner.
Just like business, success is personal. But whatever your individual definition, one thing is certain. You want both means and meaning.

The means. To build your own wealth. To provide for your family without ever having to stress about where the next paycheck is coming from. To raise your standard of lifestyle. To be able to treat the people you love, just because. To make your own choices, every time. To give to the causes that matter most to you. To sustainably spend your time doing what makes your soul run red-hot.

And the meaning. To wake up every morning knowing you’re going to change the world for the better again that day. To see the ripple effect of your work growing ever-wider. To feel like you could burst with happiness every time you receive a review or testimonial from a happy client or customer. To know you get to do what your heart beats for instead of what you were told you “should” do.

I want you to know that w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r you desire is 100% okay to desire. If you wanted a big fat permission slip, I just sent you one in the post. Your unignorable ambitions to grow a business that feels good, fills your bank account, and fuels positive change don’t make you strange, they make you special.

It’s about time you OWNED that truth, don’t you think? This is exactly what I did — and why I’m getting a cheetah tattoo to commemorate it. (Isn’t that what everyone does?!) If you’ve read Glennon Doyle’s Untamed, you’ll know that this represents me being on my own journey of advocating for myself and my desires. My truth matters, and so does yours.

How to make your meaningful success inevitable

Because I so firmly believe that success means something different for each of us, I also believe that the decisions we make about how we run our businesses should be a reflection of that.

What you do, why you do it, and how you do it should all be connected to your own unique personality, beliefs, and values, NOT the result of an expensive course or program that churns out businesses that all look and sound the same 😴 😴 😴

I mean, how many times have you bought a course hoping it would be The One to unlock your success and it just left you feeling misaligned and disheartened?

This is why my work revolves around my signature Meaningful Success Framework. Heart. Money. Impact. Consider it a kind of love triangle, but without the drama.


Play to your unique strengths + personality.
Protect your energy.
Do work that lights you up from the inside out.
Prioritise a lifestyle that has freedom + flexibility.


Get paid handsomely to do what you love.
Grow your business in an increasingly profitable + sustainable way.
Give yourself the gifts of choice + control.
Redistribute wealth so others in the world can benefit from it.


Clarify your vision, your mission, and your values.
Make decisions based on the meaningful difference you want to make in the world.
Lead by example.
Transform people through care, kindness, and connection.
All the clients I work with want their business to feel good, fill their bank account, and fuel positive change in the world. The specific blend looks different to each of them, but finding and owning their blend is actually what allows them to get clarity on exactly what to sell and the confidence on how to sell it. Only then can they take intentional steps towards the life + business they daydream about.
*Shoes not necessary, odd socks mandatory (ask me why when we speak)

Six moments that made me

I could share with you that I’m an outstanding business growth strategist by listing out my achievements. You know…
Over a decade helping businesses grow their revenues by creating digital products and experiences that delight customers.
Lead role in relaunching the websites and apps for two national newspapers in Europe in 2016.
Judge at the UK Digital Experience Awards 2017.
Worked in media, e-commerce, and sport, in-house, agency, and independent.
ICF Accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching.
Co-ran a not-for-profit organisation, 10 Digital Ladies, that connected and celebrated women in tech through networking events, awards and a book.
But as a fellow big-hearted business owner, it’s also really important to share some super transparent stories that made all those achievements possible.
1. Realising corporate hustle wasn’t for me (even though I was excellent at it)

Ever taken on too much, become overwhelmed, cried into your tea, and then miraculously pulled it out of the bag? That was my life in corporate, especially because I had to work extra hard to be taken seriously in a male-dominated industry.

I suppressed my quirky self and drank beer to be “one of the lads” even though I’m actually an empath and highly sensitive person (who still got some serious shit done). This wasn’t healthy or sustainable, and eventually, I stopped trying to fit into an existing space and decided to create my own. One with more Laila flavour 😉

2. Getting made redundant just before my (rather expensive…) wedding

Buy the house, check. Book the fancy wedding, check. Get made redundant… check. Oh shit. Even though this was a curveball, I had an inner knowing this would be good for me. I’d recently been on holiday and it was BLISS not constantly checking my work phone and experiencing being rather than just doing.

I knew I had the brain for strategy, I knew I wanted to build more of these peaceful feelings into my life, and I knew I wanted to make the world a better place for women. So my business idea was born.

3. Saying goodbye to my brother

I was in Portugal at a big event to launch said business. Everything was ready, I had my business cards in my hand, and then I got a call to say my brother was critically ill. I flew home to be with him, and sadly he died a few days later. Having the freedom to be there to say goodbye is something I will always be grateful for.

From personal loss to global pandemics, life happens, and I’m here to help you build your business in a way that doesn’t make life harder than it already is. This is about choice and flexibility, not about everything being a bed of roses. If it doesn’t feel easy, that doesn’t mean you’re failing or that it’s not going to work.

4. Having my daughter

I remember saying to myself: I don’t want to wait until my business is successful to start a family. Having my daughter before I had “all my ducks in row” felt like a risk, but I chose to listen to my heart over my head. After all, you and I are here to get what we want, not just what we’re willing to settle for.

When you have people you really care about, you want to be the best version of yourself for them. For me, becoming a mother meant I had a responsibility to take the best care of myself first. The same goes for you and your business if you want it to be sustainable.

5. Getting certified in coaching

I’m a strategic consultant through and through and my superpower is quickly working out which business + marketing pieces you need and in which order to create a seamless and delightful end-to-end experience that turns your perfect strangers into loved-up customers.

That being said, I knew I wanted to support women on an even deeper and more transformational level alongside that, which is why I became qualified as a coach. That means you get the best of both worlds when you partner with me. The practical strategy to build a better business and the personal support to live a better life.

6. Discovering this shocking statistic — and my personal mission

Men own 50% more of the world’s wealth than women, and the 22 richest men have more wealth than all the women in Africa. WTAF. As a woman, creating your own wealth (for whatever reason) is the most empowering and liberating gift you can give yourself — and the wider world.

This is my mission. To show you (and every other woman) that you are an asset and you can take back control of your economic fate by growing your business in your own way. This is how the choices you have open up and the equality gap closes.

I want every woman to know that her possibilities are endless. You don’t have to change who you are to have everything you want. (Yes, that means you can make millions and still not have had time to brush your hair).

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