How To Do Goal Setting In 2020
I’ve certainly had a rollercoaster of a year, moving house (more than once!) and having a baby has kept me pretty busy but business ideas and thoughts about how I can support other women in business are never far from my mind.
So as we get ready to bid farewell to 2019 I’ve been thinking about what I want from 2020 and more specifically I’ve been thinking about goal setting in 2020.
I will be returning to work from maternity leave and learning a new way of working as a juggle my business alongside motherhood.
As such it doesn’t feel right to set myself huge stretch goals in terms of income or launches – instead, I want to share with you some more soul-aligned ways to plan your 2020 to ensure that you enjoy the life you’re building not just hustling and putting pressure on yourself.
Alternatives for goal setting in 2020:
Goals with Soul
Danielle La Porte in her book The Desire Map talks about goals with soul – that is, working out how you want your life to feel and then setting yourself goals for what you’d need to have, do and be to experience those feelings.
The idea being that you set goals that really mean something to you and therefore your efforts to realise them continue well past January! This closely aligns to your values so it’s important to really think hard about what matters most to you.
Some of my Core Desired Feelings are Growth, Respect, Creativity and Freedom.
Word of the Year
Also by consolidating your efforts around a single theme, you should really start to see yourself making headway. For you this might be ‘visibility’, seeking and taking opportunities to put yourself out there and promote your business.
Perhaps it’s ‘courage’ and you want to make bold decisions in your life and business this year.
My 2019 word was ‘Nurture’ and I used it to remind myself that my focus was on being present for my daughter and building a life and business with love and for the long term.
Status Quo
Elizabeth Buckley-Goddard posed a question to her Facebook community – what if she changed nothing in her business in 2020?
It was thought-provoking amidst a sea of must-have planners and goal-setting workshops to stop and question – do I already have the business and life that I want?
Maybe you’ve already found a way of working that you enjoy, maybe you’re already selling the products or services you feel happy with right now – we don’t always have to be chasing ‘more’.
If it excites you – great, go for it! But if you feel trapped in a cycle of having to make every year bigger and better somehow, ask yourself where that pressure is really coming from and whether you want to see what happens if that pressure wasn’t there.
However, you approach 2020 I hope it is with hope and optimism – you really can create the life and business you want.
Sometimes the challenge is actually giving yourself the space and time to get clarity on what it is you really want!
Cue vision board?!!
Would you like help putting together a business strategy?
Tired of getting in your own way?
Coaching could be the key to help move you from where you are, to where you want to be.