Do You Really Need To Be A New You For The New Year?
Do You Really Need To Be A New You For The New Year? A new year and a new you? Do you really need to be a new you for the new year? As 2019 draws to a close, most of us will spend some time getting a little reflective, looking at not only what has gone well for us in...
Inspirational Mum Entrepreneurs
3 Inspirational Mum Entrepreneurs As a relatively new mum with a business of my own to run, I’ve found myself looking more and more at inspirational mum entrepreneurs. To see how they have created and grown their businesses alongside raising a family. I think when it...
How To Do Goal Setting In 2020
How To Do Goal Setting In 2020 I’ve certainly had a rollercoaster of a year, moving house (more than once!) and having a baby has kept me pretty busy but business ideas and thoughts about how I can support other women in business are never far from my mind. So...
How To Kickstart Your Social Media
How To Kickstart Your Social Media I’ll be really honest and say when it comes to social media for my business, it isn’t one of my strongest points. However, it is one I’m hoping to really work on and master once I’m fully back from my maternity leave. So while I was...
5 ways to recharge your batteries
When it all gets a bit much and you need a break, take inspiration from these 5 ideas.
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