Inspirational Mum Entrepreneurs

Inspirational Mum Entrepreneurs

3 Inspirational Mum Entrepreneurs As a relatively new mum with a business of my own to run, I’ve found myself looking more and more at inspirational mum entrepreneurs. To see how they have created and grown their businesses alongside raising a family. I think when it...
How To Do Goal Setting In 2020

How To Do Goal Setting In 2020

How To Do Goal Setting In 2020 I’ve certainly had a rollercoaster of a year, moving house (more than once!) and having a baby has kept me pretty busy but business ideas and thoughts about how I can support other women in business are never far from my mind. So...
How To Kickstart Your Social Media

How To Kickstart Your Social Media

How To Kickstart Your Social Media I’ll be really honest and say when it comes to social media for my business, it isn’t one of my strongest points. However, it is one I’m hoping to really work on and master once I’m fully back from my maternity leave. So while I was...
How to Chase Your Dreams While Raising Your Family

How to Chase Your Dreams While Raising Your Family

How to Chase Your Dreams While Raising Your Family Since having my daughter earlier this year, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about running my business while raising my family and a quick look on social media shows me that I’m not alone. So I thought it would be a...
Is Consistency The Key To Success?

Is Consistency The Key To Success?

Is Consistency The Key To Success? Is consistency the key to success? I recently heard a well known successful business person say that the difference between success and failure was consistency. She said that the difference between her and those in her industry who...
How To Get Motivated To Work

How To Get Motivated To Work

How To Get Motivated To Work “How to get motivated to work?” I saw this question on a business facebook group recently, it’s an interesting question and I wasn’t surprised to see just how many people felt the same way Let’s face it at one time or another...
Live your dreams now (Video)

Live your dreams now (Video)

Live your dreams now (Video) ,Last summer I travelled to the French countryside to stay in a beautiful chateau and witness two good friends get married. You’d think I would have been excited, right? Well, my first reaction was, ‘oh no, I’m going to...
3 Simple Tips to Avoid Overwhelm

3 Simple Tips to Avoid Overwhelm

3 Simple Tips to Avoid Overwhelm It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially when running your own business. It doesn’t matter what stage your business is at we all face overwhelm at various points in our business journey. Feeling overwhelmed is an easy trap to fall...
How To Test A New Business Idea (Video)

How To Test A New Business Idea (Video)

How To Test A New Business Idea (Video) I want to talk to you today about one of the most commonly asked questions I hear from new clients “How To Test A New Business Idea” The truth is one of the best ways to test your new business idea is to get feedback! I’ve...
3 easy confidence boosting activities

3 easy confidence boosting activities

3 easy confidence boosting activities (VIDEO) Starting your own business is hard work and with so many new skills to learn and the inevitable mistakes along the way, it’s no wonder many of us can end up feeling like maybe we’re not good enough to make it....
How To Let Go Of The Struggle

How To Let Go Of The Struggle

How To Let Go Of The Struggle Have you ever found yourself wishing you could let go of the struggle you seem to constantly find yourself battling against? For the longest time, I had a reputation among my friends and family for being someone who worked harder than...
Overcoming Your Fear Of Failure

Overcoming Your Fear Of Failure

Overcoming Your Fear Of Failure Do you have a fear of failure? Or perhaps is a fear of success, all of us at one point or another have experienced one of these feelings, maybe it’s been a while since you felt it or maybe you have felt it really recently. Fear of...
Don’t Let This Excuse Hold You Back From Success

Don’t Let This Excuse Hold You Back From Success

Don’t Let This Excuse Hold You Back From Success As January draws to a close I wanted to talk to you about your goals and your hopes for 2019 and how you can best achieve them. Did you set goals for your business and your life for this year? Have you planned on...
3 Simple Steps To Banish the January Blues

3 Simple Steps To Banish the January Blues

3 Simple Steps To Banish the January Blues Have the January blues set in yet? With all the build up and excitement around Christmas and New Year it can be easy to end up feeling a bit flat in January and, let’s be honest, the grey weather doesn’t exactly...
Women Entrepreneurs are they the future of business?

Women Entrepreneurs are they the future of business?

Women Entrepreneurs are they the future of business? Lately there has been more reports and more articles about the rise in women in business. In fact the number of women starting up in business is fast outgrowing the number of men doing the same, helping drive growth...
Life as a journey

Life as a journey

Do you ever have days where you feel like there may be something missing from your life? Perhaps your journey has reached a crossroad.

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